Exodus Cheese Cannabis Seeds

Skunk #1

by Greenhouse Seed

Exodus Cheese, also known as UK Cheese or simply Cheese, is a hybrid cannabis strain strain that’s known for its quick acting and long-lasting body-stoned effect. It also carries an extremely pungent aroma that can be akin to a perfectly aged, blue cheese, while it has a very earthy taste when exhaled.

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Exodus Cheese Strain Genetics

Much like Champagne, UK Cheese emerged by accident, as a British grower, back in the late 1980s, discovered one or more of their Skunk #1 plants were noticeably more pungent than the rest. The unknown grower took these traits and developed them further, ultimately renaming this clone-only Skunk #1 phenotype UK Cheese.

In the early 90s, a group of cultivators from Luton, called ‘Exodus’ rebranded the strain into the household name we know today as Exodus Cheese and would take the UK, and later the world, by storm. Since then Cheese genetics have been used to develop an array of popular strains including Big Buddha Cheese, Blue Cheese, and Confidential Cheese.

Exodus Cheese Strain Terpene Profile

This strain might lead you to believe you’ve left a perfectly aged, delicious and pungent blue cheese in your fridge, but it can also carry a fruity, berry-like smell too. The taste, however, may surprise you as it’s earthy tones, and somewhat berry-like taste really takes over your palate and stays there.

Exodus Cheese Strain Effects

Exodus Cheese has a quick-acting and long-lasting effect, so if you enjoy high THC levels, then you’ll love this relaxing, yet energetic hybrid cannabis strain. Because of its motivating qualities, those mundane tasks will fly by, while its enduring effects will give you enough time to focus on the joyful things in life.

How to Grow Exodus Cheese Strain

This strain can reach quite a significant height and yield, even when grown indoors, so be prepared to install some carbon filters to mask the pungent smell wafting throughout your home or garden.

The branches grow wide, with a good lateral direction and, although perfect for beginners, may require some physical support when flowering (SCROG) (between 8-10 weeks). When grown outdoors, this strain will be ready to harvest around the end of September.