White Choco Haze Cannabis Seeds

Chocolope x Mexican Haze

by Amsterdam Genetics

A delight in so many ways – White Choco Haze is a sativa-dominant mix from Amsterdam Genetics. It has all the wonderful characteristics of a sativa high; upbeat, energetic, creative and giggly. Meanwhile, the indica side of the family brings relaxing qualities and rich chocolate flavours to the table.

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White Choco Haze Genetics

White Choco is famed for both its potency and, the inheritance of its parent strain Chocolope, flavour. It hangs in the background of this strain, subtle and relaxed, while the Mexican Haze leads the way to a fruity, happy and humorous high.

White Choco Haze Terpene Profile

An unusual mix of melon flavours on the one hand and chocolate on the other. A fruit sundae of a strain, White Choco Haze is sweet and tangy in equal measure; with a rich, deep scent.

White Choco Haze Effects

White Choco Haze’s high brings deep relaxation, without becoming ‘couch-locking’. Its euphoric effects manage to summon an uplifting buzz with it, relieving stress and promoting a happy light-heartedness suited to social situations. Its effects can be long-lasting.

How to Grow White Choco Haze

The White Choco Haze’s genetics make the long and hairy buds of this sativa-dominant hybrid more compact and sticky. Outdoors they can grow up to 3 meters tall, resulting in very high yields. White Choco Haze can flower in 8-10 weeks, and given time, produces high levels of THC.