It might have seemed unlikely a few years ago, but in 2020, the question doesn’t seem quite so far-fetched. Indeed, the potential for CBD to become a mainstream treatment of pain and chronic pain is becoming increasingly likely with the remarkably versatile compound of the cannabis or hemp plant emerging as THE go-to product in the health and wellness market.
Indeed, CBD now seems to be everywhere; You can now find the popular compound being marketed and sold in a variety of different CBD products ranging from CBD oils, CBD isolates and CBD capsules to edibles like CBD gummies and even CBD gum!
Such is the growing popularity of CBD, it even emerged as the top-selling dietary supplement of 2019, ousting turmeric as the No. 1 seller in natural sales channels.
And while CBD and cannabis hemp oil continues to rise dramatically in prominence, the long-term usage and negative side-effects of Ibuprofen would suggest that finding a viable alternative to this popular form of pain management, is necessary.
CBD vs Ibuprofen
But is it really true? Is there real potential for CBD as an alternative to Ibuprofen and Ibuprofen products, and could it become as common as the items that have been such a staple of our lives over the last 40 years? Or is this merely another example of the hyperbole that we have to be so wary of when considering alternatives to our existing medical treatments?
Well, a growing body of research is now emerging that suggests much of the enthusiasm surrounding CBD is indeed justified with scientific analysis providing increased credibility and evidence to suggest that there is remarkable and varied potential within the burgeoning cannabis compound to treat pain.
Indeed, it is the potential versatility of CBD that seems to suggest that there is substance beyond the hype with its potential as an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and Ibuprofen drawing particular attention.
But is CBD safe? And is it something that has the potential to replace the Ibuprofen that sits in your bathroom cabinet?
While the answer to the former is now decisive and clear following the WHO’s declaration in 2017 that not only is CBD safe but that it “exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential”), answering the latter question requires a little more digging.
Fevers, Migraines, and Related Pains
A migraine isn’t just any ordinary headache. It’s a severe headache with extreme pain that usually affects both sides of the head and is often accompanied by several uncomfortable symptoms including, throbbing pain, blurred vision, tingling, light and sound sensitivity, nausea and vomiting, and lightheadedness.
Bacteria-induced fevers, on the other hand, cause an elevated body temperature, somewhere around 38°C (100.4° F) or higher and can cause excessive sweating, dehydration, muscle aches, appetite loss, general weakness, headaches, and chills and shivering. Furthermore, whether you are suffering from a bacterial or viral infection, CBD, in particular, is an anti-bacterial and can help fight the source of fever.
All in all, just what do they both have in common? The short answer is pain. However, headaches and migraines seem to be the most common plagues of pain.
When a pain stimulus is present in the human body, it will activate the cells to fire off pain-causing chemicals. These chemicals will journey from one cell to another until they reach the spinal cord and then the part of the brain responsible for pain perception. Once the brain receives this signal, it will cue the body how to react. Once the stimulus has passed, chemicals are then reabsorbed by the human body, causing pain to diminish. Several other triggers have been identified to contribute to chronic and persistent headache and migraine pain, including:
- Physical Injury
- Fatigue and changes in sleep patterns
- Mood issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression
- Pharmacologic agents (postmenopausal hormones, oral contraceptives, nitrates, etc.)
- Alcohol consumption
- Changes in air pressure, altitude, or weather
- Hormonal shifts
- Diet changes or use of vasoactive substances
- Environmental factors such as noise, glaring, or flickering lights
Furthermore, many of these conditions, too, are aggravated by inflammation, as chemokines
and cytokines (inflammation-causing proteins) that immune cells produce also stimulate pain receptors in the body.
As it stands, current symptom treatment options generally include conventional painkillers, with Ibuprofen as one of the most commonly used.